If I purchase something online, can I have my items delivered?
ReStore does not offer delivery. You can find a list of local delivery options recommended by other ReStore customers here. Please note ReStore has no affiliation or agreement with these or any other delivery providers.
If I purchase an item online, can I pick it up at either location?
Yes, most purchases from our online store can be picked up at either Greater Ottawa ReStore location. Simply select your preferred pickup location at checkout.
Can I change my pick up date and/or time?
Contact us at restoreonline@habitatgo.com if you need to reschedule. We will hold items purchased online for a maximum of 9 days from time of purchase.
Why was my order cancelled?
Due to the unique nature of our products and shared inventory in-store and online, sometimes an item ordered is out of stock. You will receive an e-mail notification and a refund if an item in your order is unavailable.